So Saturday night Hollie and I went to the Bees game. We got there at about 6:45 p.m., the game was supposed to start at 7:05 p.m. Turns out there was a double header that night, and it was a fireworks night so it was a little crowded. We purchased our tickets, bought a few beers, then went to our seets, they were on the top row. We caught the last inning and a half of the first game wich the Bees lost to the Las Vegas 51's(lame name I think) 3-0. The Bees managed to come from behind to win the second game 6-4. Then we waited a few minutes while the people in left field moved down to the field to watch the fireworks. After the fireworks started (about 10:00 p.m.) I realized that that was the perfect night... beer, baseball, and fireworks what more do you need?
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